Hello, and thanks to everyone for keeping in touch! We have opened the doors to our new facility, 17,000 Square feet under roof, and a cool, metro-type log yard. (Yes, you read that correctly).
We are currently located at 675 Metropolitan Parkway in Downtown Atlanta, click here
for a map to get to us.
So, whats new here? Wow - a ton! We have been really busy assembling new cool inventory, have run through Cabbagetown after the tornado collecting trees, including (pictures up tomorrow I swear), a White Walnut, and a 58" diameter Elm - one of the oldest in GA. The Elm was recovered by myself, and Stephen, a local furniture maker with nothing to do one sunny afternoon. The butternut was obtained from our new friend Judy, who thought it was a black walnut, and called us to come and get it. If you need a realtor, get in touch - she's great.
On an aside note - go visit our friends at the lamplighter Cafe, because, in a nutshell, the food is kickin and the price is right. And Eric is a pretty cool dude.
Ok, so, other happenings - we have some really beautiful heart pine in right now, from the York Street Jail in Springfield, MA. If you want a tour of the original building, click here for the youtube.com video. Cool stuff.
Some of the timbers bear the stamp of the "Boston Hard Pine Company" - I'll get a pic of that, and are super nice. Tight, cold-weather grain, and good color.
Other happenings: We are please to welcome Whitney, our new office manager. She puts up with this crew of cro-magnons, keeps up with the city and IRS to keep us out of jail, and still manages to smile! Amazing - hope she keeps it up!.
So anyway, that's the latest happenings, and we'll get more up as soon as I remember to get the camera card back from the house. Stay in touch, and we'll be here, waiting on a visit!
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