Recently around the shop we have been in spring cleaning mode. Punxsutawney Phil got us rolling on the log yard. It had been beautiful and if any of you have been down here recently you would have seen the massive amounts of logs outside. We had and still have an abundance of logs on the yard. So Darwin and I started to play the purge the warehouse and the yard game. It's been working out so far and we've made some great progress. We recently landed two big institutional jobs (Emory University and Colombia Theological Center) where we are lucky enough to have logs from their respective campuses and utilize them for their projects.
The crew from Emory came down last week to check it all out and see what the process involved. They were a fun bunch to entertain and genuinely were interested in seeing the logs become cants and get cut into boards. The kiosks that are going to be made for the Lullwater Estate at Emory are going to be absolutely stunning. We have begun the prep work for Colombia Theological Center and we cannot wait to see how these logs turn out. They are gorgeous on the outside and not to mention HUGE! Their floors are going to be spectacular.
We are excited for the "urban lumber" movement to start taking off. It is a really great concept and we hope that more people start looking to utilizing what Atlanta has an abundance of: trees. There is absolutely no need for all of those trees to be sent to the wood-chipper. Just think, you could have your very own piece of Atlanta in your home. Check out some places around Atlanta that have gone "green" - Grindhouse Killer Burgers, The Highland Bakery, Local Three, Republic Social House, Atlanta Fitness, The Sound Table, and many others. Also, if you are in the Charleston area check out the new Mellow Mushroom.
Yesterday was spent purging yet again. Darwin got to play with his newly improved chainsaw (I am sure there is a more manly way to say that, but that is neither here nor there) and I got to document it. He cut some end pieces of logs and we ended up with some smaller but beautiful Walnut and Spalted Maple slabs (see photo).
Aside from purging, we made an investment right about Christmastime. We purchased two tractor trailer loads of Antique Heart Pine. Yes, you've read that right, two tractor trailer loads. Quite a lot of Antique Heart Pine. Currently there is one load in the warehouse, but good gracious it is a lot of wood. Now we will have to figure out where on earth to house the second load. But it is beautiful stuff. It came from a textile mill in North Georgia and it has an amazing grey patina and if you cut it open it has the richest color you will ever see.
So come on down and check out what we've done and and what we are up too. We would love to show you around, but remember, please be sure to make an appointment beforehand. Also, "like" us on Facebook and for our purposes we have streamlined things a bit:
General Inquiries: info.mswt@gmail.com
Directions: directions.mswt@gmail.com
Pricing/Sales: sales.mswt@gmail.com
Salvage Work: contact.mswt@gmail.com