About me: I graduated from the University of Mississippi (hoddy toddy!) and moved to Charleston, South Carolina, where I learned homebuilding and trim carpentry. I moved to Atlanta GA a year later, and built putting greens in Atlanta, Aiken, SC, Madrid Spain (my favorite) and Gainesville FL. I now work here in Mississippi in rebuilding the gulf coast, and occasionally woodworking. I maintain another blog about life/work, etc so check it out if you want more information.
What I do: I am a licensed residential builder in the state of Mississippi, with a small company that specializes in higher-end renovation, with an emphasis on design, and a few ideas borrowed from Sarah Susanka. Her website and ideas are amazing, so check them out and see what you think.
My entry in the wood business was almost accidental, but has really taken off in the past few months, and expanded into something that I thought should be shared. I started off just looking for wood for my own personal/professional use, and found that it was an adventure in procurement every time . I now trade many different species, and am excited about the latest recycled lumber that we are starting to offer in beams and flooring.
I have several contacts for different types of wood, and am constantly trying to get more varieties, species and available grades.
Click here to have a product list emailed to you
All sheets are 4x8 unless specified
1/4" - 23.00
1/2" - 33.00
3/4" paint grade - 35.00 (50+ pieces - 32.00)
3/4" Stain grade - 39.50
Cypress (imported)
1/4" - 39.50
1/2" - 61.00
3/4" - 91.00
3/4" Luan - 32.00
3/4" Poplar, paint grade - 35.00

1/2" 5-ply - 58.00
3/4" 7-ply - 72.00
(3.00 discount per sheet for orders of 50+ sheets)

4.95 per square foot, minimum 1000 square foot order.
4.25 per square foot on orders of 4000+ square feet.
I am starting to see a lot of antique yellow pine as well. It has tight grain, and can be stained and finished exactly like the Longleaf pine. It does not share the hardness, but the look is nearly identical. Prices range from 2.50-2.75 per square foot.
Limited special order quantities of imported Brazilian flooring from Minha Gerais. Species include (from left to right in photo) - dark stripe is Tung Oil finish
Ipe, a.k.a. Brazilian Walnut
Jatoba, a.k.a. Brazilian Cherry,
Royal Mahogany
All of these woods have limited availability, and you could buy them elsewhere, but I think our prices are a bit better, and my supplier is a really nice guy. He also lost his house in the hurricane, and could really use the business. If you are interested, please call me at 228.366.0240 (ask for Darwin) or email me at mswoodtrader@gmail.com, or best, fax me at 228.497.5156.
Beams: My favorite. We recover these old beams from warehouses, barns, schools, and other large buildings around south central Mississippi. I have a fresh load coming out of an old railroad Depot in south Mississippi. Most are 10"x10" and some are at least 30+ feet long, and have been preserved inside this building since around 1900.
Widths can vary from 4x4 to 10x10.
4.50 per board foot for raw beams, and up to 7.00 per board foot for finished (4 sided planed) beams.
Board foot calculator
A few pictures of beams and dimensional lumber, Tylertown, MSThat big beam measures over 32'!
Recovered from antebellum home near Hazelhurst. Heart pine.
Recovered from an old house around Rockport, Mississippi. 8x8, 6x6, 4x4, and old 1x10 and 1x12. Antique Oak
Also, I can get custom cut-to-order cypress beams, in widths up to 26" (yes, I have seen beams this big). Lengths to order. Prices range from 2-3.25 per board foot,(Board foot calculator) and get more expensive the longer/wider a beam needs to be. These can be sold as-is with just a rough bandsaw-type finish on them, or finished with an antiquing-type finish. Email mswoodtrader@gmail.com for specific questions.
Cypress: Ok, many new products in cypress to add to the list. First are raw logs. Depending on the size, these can go up from $180. Good looking stuff. Going to get some pictures this saturday when the truck comes in. Also available are the following:
Tongue and groove paneling: Widths from 3" and up. Prices go from $1.34 per linear foot for clear grade. I am bidding on a job to put some up here soon, and if it happens, be sure to check back for the pictures.
Raw stock: cypress air dried boards from 2/4 to 8/4. lengths to 18' email with cut sheet for pricing.
New Products:
I recently found a cheap (kind of) supplier of dimensional KD brazilian cherry, which is beautiful, very stable, and quite water resistant. I will be making a select few countertops and vanity cabinets from this stock when it arrives, sample pictures can be found below for the rough and finished woods. This will have some limited internet availability, or if you are located close to here, I will come to your house and site build one. Prices are close to Marble or granite countertops (42-55/ square foot installed), but add an incredible architectural detail to a home. Counters are edge glued and plate joined, and can be finished in either an acrylic or epoxy type finish depending on the location. Fax me at 228.497.5156 for details if you are interested.
Raw: slab is 11" wide, and 1 5/8" thick. Lengths to 16'
I can sell this raw for $5.80 per board foot in the slab form. Email if interested. Finished pictures below!